Previously on Battlestar Galactica...
Time warp: Ripon, Wisconsin.
Cylons have infiltrated a small midwestern town and commandeered the national political process. Note the clandestined photo I obtained of their headquarters. I am not fooled by their Victorian architecture. Two Cylons from Barraboo approached me at one point. I took evasive measures and headed to Dodgeville. Through the cheap, alumunun windowsill of a Super8 Motor Port I can see their Spacecraft landing in the weedy lot next door. I have to get out of Dodge... fast.
Yes, but they sure make "Ripon good cookies"! Didn't that used to be a tag line on a commercial when we were kids? Maybe it was all part of the Cylon plot to infiltrate young minds and take over the Republican party....
Oh brother, where art thou now? We're going to Manawa for pork, cured and otherwise. Wish you could join us...xoxoxoxoxoxJ
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